Presentation from the 2013 York conference, given by Adam Brownfield, Brand Manager, Global Marketing, Destination Canada.

The presentation was entitled ‘Connecting Brand to Business Objectives’.

The presentation offered a view on how a country’s brand can be leveraged to meet your business objectives. If marketers can leverage their country’s brand, or strongly held views about their destination, they can impact awareness or consideration for their post-secondary institutes. In addition, country brand can increase trust in the content a university publishes in order to influence prospective students. But brand measures are “soft” and registration numbers are hard; how can marketers prove that they are impacting decisions?

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2018 UBC Conference Presentation: Plenary 1 - Connecting brand to business objectives

A creative and curious producer of content, Adam is a hub bringing Destination Canada’s storytelling to life through video. His work connects ideas to briefs to plans to productions to fruition, resulting in compelling content that is interesting to watch and that advances Destination Canada’s key messages and business objectives.

With a background in Art History and Library Science, Adam brings a unique view to marketing and brand, putting more emphasis on why we are doing something and how it should resonate rather than looking at brand as a series of rules to be enforced.

The W100 Annual Conference 2018 took place at The University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada, from 26 – 28 September. Philip Steenkamp, Vice President, External Relations at The University of British Columbia, was our host. The conference focused on how universities stand out and differentiate themselves on a global scale.

If you want to find out more about attending this year’s conference please visit our conference page or get in touch via email.